Lifting Foundation

Algne hind oli: 24,00 €.Current price is: 20,00 €.

  • Kerge, siluv jumestuskreem. Matistab õrnalt ja peidab puudused. See on rikas toimeainete poolest, silub nahka ja parandab selle elastsust.
  • Liftingpolümeerid – siluvad silmnähtavalt kortse, pinguldavad nahka ja parandavad selle elastsust,
  • Liftingpolümeerid – siluvad silmnähtavalt kortse, pinguldavad nahka ja parandavad selle elastsust,
  • A-, E- ja C-vitamiinid – tugevalt regenereerivate, niisutavate vitamiinide kompleks, mis muudab naha säravaks ja millel on antioksüdantne toime.
  • provitamin B5 – soothes irritations and inflammations.

100 Porcelain


101 Warm Beige


102 Natural


103 Golden Beige



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At PAESE,  believe that you deserve to be taken care of. That's why we are passionate about creating colour cosmetics, that take care of your skin. Makeup is one of those moments that you can devote only to yourself. Let our cosmetics take care of you and your skin will get its glow back.

PAESE, a Polish cosmetic brand loved by women in over 50 countries around the world. At PAESE, the most important thing is the health of your skin, which is why we create unique cosmetics that always combine makeup with skincare. Our products will naturally enhance your beauty and deeply nourish your skin.

You will find precious oils, plant extracts, and active ingredients in our cosmetic formulas. They all guarantee the effect of a healthy, fresh, and radiant complexion, and you...just enjoy beautiful, glowy skin!




We have our own production facility and laboratory to create advanced cosmetics of the highest quality. Their effectiveness is confirmed by the research of independent institutes. We control every stage of production, so we are confident that we know everything about our products. Our excellent team of technologists ensures the highest quality and effectiveness of our cosmetics every day. Thanks to carefully selected ingredients, combining nature with technology, and in cooperation with scientific institutions, we create formulas that obtain international patents.




We know how precious your time is, so we share our knowledge, the latest trends, and simple tricks with you so that you can subtly highlight your beauty in a few moments.



At PAESE, we always combine beautiful makeup with skincare, which is why we have devoted over four years of research and testing to create an innovative Nanorevit line for you. Nanorevit is the first makeup line on the market with such valuable care and protective properties, enriched with a super ingredient: closed in a nanostructure blackcurrant seed oil. Blackcurrant oil has a high content of EFAs, omega-3, antioxidants, and vitamins. Thanks to our innovative and patented formula, it penetrates deep layers of the skin, nourishing, moisturising, and regenerating it for a long time.

The effects of the Nanorevit line products have been confirmed by tests carried out by an independent laboratory.

The Nanorevit line has been inspired by nature. We obtain blackcurrant oil in an ecological process of extraction at low temperature, which allows obtaining exceptionally pure oil while maintaining its valuable properties.

Blackcurrant seed oil:

intensively moisturises

nourishes along with omega-3 fatty acids

deeply regenerates

rich in antioxidants that effectively delay the aging process and protect the skin from the harmful effects of external factors

reduces facial redness

has a protective and soothing effect and is therefore safe for problematic skin



Kui tellid üle €55 väärtuses ilutooteid, siis saadame Sulle TASUTApakiautomaati.

Kui esitad tellimuse E-R enne kella 13.00, anname Sinu paki 48h jooksul üle postiasutusele. Kui vormistad tellimuse reedel pärast kella 13.00, laupäeval/pühapäeval või riigipühal, algab 48h piirang kehtima järgnevast esimesest tööpäevast.


Tellitud tooted jõuavad reeglina Sulle sobivaima asukohaga pakiautomaati 48h jooksul alates tellimuse kinnituse saamisest e-kirjana. PrimeShop ei vastuta transpordist tingitud viivituste eest. Külmal perioodil palume valida igaks juhuks seesmisi automaate, et ilutooted võimalikku külma ei saaks. Kui tellitud kaup on pakiautomaadis, saadetakse Sulle telefonile SMS, mis sisaldab pakiautomaadi avamiseks vajalikku koodi.

Pakiautomaatide valiku saad teha järgnevate vahel:

DPD järeletulemise punktid: €3.00

Pakiautomaatide asukohad


Kauba saad tellida ka kulleriga otse sobivasse kohta. Kuller toimetab paki Sinu tellimuses märgitud aadressini reeglina 48h jooksul alates tellimuse kinnituse saamisest e-kirjana. Kulleriga kättetoimetamise korral helistab kuller Sulle ette ning lepib kokku sobiva aja paki üleandmiseks.

Tellimuse üleandmine toimub vaid tellimuses märgitud ostjale isikut tõendava dokumendi esitamisel. Kolmandatele isikutele toodete üleandmine toimub ainult kokkuleppel Toodete ostjaga.

TÄHELEPANU! Pakendi peal olev triipkood on 14 päevase tagastusperioodi aluseks. Palun säilita see number kaheks nädalaks, juhuks, kui peaksid seda, sel perioodil mingil põhjusel vajama. Kui kuller ei saa kliendiga, telefoni teel, kliendi esitatud vale telefoninumbri tõttu ühendust, saadetakse kaup postkontorisse tagasi ja klienti teavitatakse e-kirja teel, kuidas klient kauba hiljem kätte saab.

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Kulleri teenusena pakume:

DPD kojuvedu: 6,00 €


PRIME Beauty Studio

Tellimusele saad järele tulla meie kontorisse, kui oled saanud e-kirja „Pakk on valmis“. Asume aadressil Tuukri 1b, 10151 Tallinn. Palume pakile järele tulla seitsme päeva jooksul.